Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday....Shadow

Hop on over to Focused on the Magic to link up to the Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop and meet lots of fun Disney folks.

your turn:   I'm currently doing a Disney alphabet theme..you can read about it on the Disney Photo Theme tab at the top of the page...feel free to play along....this week's letter is "S."


  1. That shadow os so creepy! I love it. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Bookgirl @ My Magical Adventures

  2. Looks so creepy - great picture!

  3. Oh my word! What a great idea! Love the alphabet theme! That's a spooky "S". :)

  4. Oooooh "S"cary "S"hadow!!! That's a good one for "s". I "s"till haven't come up with one for "s"

    Thanks for linking up with the WW hop:)
    I'm grabbing you "I hope it works" button...I hope it works;)

    Deb @ The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

  5. Scary!! Malificent is the perfect villain!

  6. Very cool picture, I love the shadow.


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